New Launch Progressive Payment Scheme

The Progressive Payment Scheme (PPS) facilitates payment for new launch condos in Singapore, allowing buyers to service your loan via monthly installments progressively at various construction stages.

Progress Payment % LTV 75% LTV 45% LTV 35%
Upon the grant of Option to purchase
5% Cash Cash Cash
Upton signing of sale & purchase agreement or within 8 weeks from the option
15% CPF or Cash Cash Cash
Foundation Upon Completion of foundation work 10% 5% CPF or Cash and 5% Loan 5% cash & 5% additional cash / CPF 5% cash & 5% additional cash / CPF
Upton completion of reinforced concrete framework of unit
10% Loan Cash CPF or Cash
Upon Cmpletion walls of units
5% Loan Cash CPF or Cash
Upon completion of roofing/ceiling of unit
5% Loan Cash CPF or Cash
Upton completion of door sub-frames/door frames and plumbing of unit
5% Loan Cash CPF or Cash
Upton completion of car park, roads and drains serving the housing
5% Loan Loan CPF or Cash
Teporary Occypation Permit
25% Loan Loan 5% CPF or Cash and 20% Loan
Legal completion
15% Loan Loan Loan